Specializing In Individual & Corporate Tax Law

Tax Preparation

Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.


Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

Lead Tax Professional

Each tax season presents its own unique set of rules, regulations and other IRS mandated policies.  Staying informed is key to providing professional tax services to our clients.  Our Tax Center web pages are loaded with helpful information and tools to help you keep more of what you earn!  

Tax Planning

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. 


We recommend Tax Saving Strategies that help you minimize your tax obligations.


Many of our clients save many times the fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.

Tax Problems

Are you having problems with the IRS?


We’re here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and of course, extremely discrete. The IRS problems will not just go away by themselves; they just keep getting worse with penalties and interest being added each day.


If you owe the IRS, you have a very serious problem. It may take the IRS several years to catch up to you, but they’re relentless and have no mercy in collecting all the money that is owed. When the collection process starts, they’ll make your life miserable and literally ruin all aspects of your life.

Veteran Tax Professional

The challenges presented by a pandemic these past couple of years have created lots of questions as it relates to individual income tax law.  Our clients appreciate all that FACTS-5 does to stay on top of constantly changing regulations that affect your taxes.  Our Tax Center download tools are an excellent resource for making your tax return preparation experience much more informative and helpful.  The articles we share here on our website provide a fantastic resource to address many of the questions and concerns we see each new tax season!  I look forward to being of service this 2022 Tax Season!  Be sure to revisit our website often as we work to keep you up to date on the latest from the IRS!

Email:  Jaimmie Adams


Download Center


Here you will find important documentation needed to complete your tax return as well as our collection of Tax Tip Newsletter Archives.  

Tax Articles & Worksheets


Useful Links collected to help you get answers to many of your tax questions.


Secure Client Portal


Convenient, Easy, Fast


Submitting your documents to us has never been easier!  Our secure ShareFile Client Portal allows you to easily upload/download important tax documentation electronically!  Save a trip to the office and see how easy ShareFile is to use!

Non-Filed Tax Returns

Every day the massive computer center at the IRS is getting more sophisticated, it’s just a matter of time before they catch up with you.


This is not a situation to take lightly, failing to file your tax returns is a criminal offense. If you do not file, you can be prosecuted and punished with potential jail time, one year for each year not filed. Why risk potentially losing your freedom for failing to file your tax returns!


Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve by helping you get in compliance with the law. If you voluntarily file your delinquent returns you’ll likely avoid further problems other than having to pay the interest and penalties.


If you wait for the IRS to file your returns for you, they are filed in the best interest of the government, usually with little or none of the deductions you are entitled to.


Before anything can be done to extract you from this predicament all the returns must be filed. You must be current. In most cases, you will likely owe taxes, interest, and penalties after the returns are filed. Once we see how much is owed, we’ll set a course of action to get you off the hook!

IRS Wage Garnishment

You received a notice of “intent to Levy” 30 days ago and you forgot or ignored it. Now it’s Payday. Expecting a check, you open the envelope and find that the IRS has taken most of your money. What’s left is not enough to pay the rent, car payment, buy groceries, or pay the rest of the bills. This action will continue on every check due you, until the tax owed is paid in full.


Now you’re in big financial trouble. No matter how hard you plead with your employer they can not give you your money. Because once a wage garnishment is filed with your employer, your employer is required by law to collect a large percentage of each of your paychecks.


We are regularly retained to negotiate the release of IRS wage garnishments by arranging a payment plan. The payment plan negotiated by us is always more favorable than any IRS wage garnishment. It allows you to receive your whole paycheck without fears of future wage garnishments.

Track Your Refund

When will you receive your refund? The answer depends on how you filed your return. The IRS should issue your refund check within six to eight weeks of filing a paper return. If you chose to receive your refund through direct deposit, you should receive it within a week. If you use e-file, your refund should be issued between two and three weeks.


You can check on the status of your refund by clicking on the link below.


Check your Federal Refund… click here